Protect your general. Capture enemy generals.
New Update: v30.6.14
- Spawn Fairness added to 1v1 ladder map generation.
- Spawn Fairness slider implemented in custom games. Only affects 1v1. Controls how unfair the amount of tiles around generals can be. 0.0 = Old spawn rules. 1.0 = extremely fair. 0.5 = reasonably fair.
- Made tooltips less annoying when not trying to look at them.
- Replaced Custom Game slider browser tooltips with custom ones.
Join us on Discord or view the Version History for more information.Find a bug in, or have a suggestion? Consider posting it in our Improvements Portal!
New Update: v30.6.12
- Minor changes to ping rendering so they dont block tiles visibility as much. Darker on fog tiles. Flag no longer shows up at all for tiles with "stuff" on them.
- Fix bug where a player who leaves before a game starts will have their general tick up forever.
- Finally added BigTeam to the profile tab filter... Watch-mode now supports BigTeam as well from player profiles.
New Update: v30.6.11
- All AFK-disconnects will now warn you (flashing general + sound for only you) before you get disconnected.
- In Team games, the land of surrendered / disconnected players will transfer to allies 25 turns after they began afking, now (only if they disconnect or surrender).
- BigTeam AFK disconnect bug fixed where allies capturing your tiles could disconnect you even though you were playing.
New Update: v30.6.10
- FFA Survival leaderboard discourages pure turtling by partitioning players after a game by whether they got a kill or won, before assigning stars. Previously partitioned by whether they attacked anyone.
- First time selecting general each game when already selected will not trigger move-half.
New Update: v30.6.9
- Modded ladder events will no longer affect stars.
- Your general is now highlighted at the start of team games.
New Update: v30.6.8
- Fixed variety of team-ping related bugs.
- Fixed dead chat messaging to only work for 6 seconds, and be clear that it is intentionally dead chat.
- Sound improvements:
- Surrender pulse now only plays when a player visible to you surrenders.
- Surrender pulse should stop at the end of a game.
New Update: v30.6.7
- Hold right click and drag to ping multiple tiles!
- Can now ping mountains.
New Update: v30.6.6
- Added an Audio options menu in settings, where you can adjust / disable sounds.
- Added sounds for captures, surrenders, chat, and team chat.
- Your pings sound different than allies pings now.
- Quality of Life
- Surrendered players land now pulses before going gray, with pulse rate increasing as time runs out.
- You may now select tiles that you don't own when they are already in your move queue. EG you can now queue up a split, and then queue moves from the other split tile before the split actually happens now.
- A few specific chat messages can be sent to the main game after death, twice per game.
- Color accessibility options now include previews of the team color groupings so you can coordinate colors better.
- The default colors for Orange and Light Red (Salmon) are tweaked lightly for better visibility.
- Team play
- Team pings can be sent to help allies after death, like team chat already could.
- Pings and team chat are now recorded in replays!
- Team chat and pings respect selected player visibility when watching replays.
- Bugfixes
- Fixed variety of Replay Edit Mode bugs.
- Decay now takes into account gaps in ladder availability.
- Fixed Torus map centering on game start and slightly reduced mountain spawn rates on Torus (from +33% to +29%)
New Update: v30.6.4
- Fixed the Settings option that disables team-leaderboard-auto-minimize.
- Team leaderboard auto-minimize waits 3 more seconds.
- The team leaderboard is sorted strongest player first for the first 10 seconds of team games.
- Pressing tab will now focus team chat unless bound to something else in settings.
- The set-username prompt now includes the recover-account form.
- Clicking team leaderboard cycles minimization the other way now.
- The perspective eyeball on Team rows now actually works in big team replays.
- Fixed click-deadzones on in-game leaderboard for minimization.
- Fixed 2v2 partner leaderboard stars being COMPLETELY wrong. Unfortunately this LB will need a reset.
- Star decay should no longer affect inactive queues.
New Update: v30.6.3
- Tile pings in team games are now much more visible, and last one second longer.
- Panning the map and pinging tiles with right click no longer deselect your active tile.
New Update: v30.6.2
- Fixed replay edit mode for FFA games.
- Team score headers now color code and show player names.
- Team players auto collapse several seconds after game start (which you can turn off in settings). Collapse/expand manually by clicking the scoreboard.
- You can now close the game over popup to continue spectating after death, or look around the map at the end of a game.
New Update: v30.6.0
- Edit mode in replays! Now you can queue up moves for any of the players in the game from any point and explore the alternate timeline where you see what happens if you kill Hitler as a baby!
- New shortcut keys (all of which can be re-bound in options, of course):
- [J] [I] [K] [L] can now be used as a secondary set of arrow keys that are permanently no-move-masked, allowing keyboard warriors greater freedom of movement mouse-free.
- [H] will select your general WITHOUT re-centering / zooming the map.
- [/] (Forward Slash, or ç) will let you enter edit-mode in replays! Pressing [/] again will reset the replay back to where you started editing.
- In 2v2 / team games, starting to type in chat and then pressing [TAB] will now swap your current message between Team chat and All chat! Not re-bindable.
- Bugfixes:
- Queued-move arrows should no longer get stuck on your screen when rematching in 1v1.
New Update: v30.5.2
- Reverted to old map centering behavior as some players preferred it.
- Added a new 'Other' option to center map between turn and chat. Off by default.
- Darkened the star-uncertainty ?'s as some players couldn't see the lighter one.
- Generals TV will no longer show you your own perspective of your own games.
New Update: v30.5.0
- Introducing Generals TV!
- Watch top players play (recent replays) from their perspective! Watch specific players from their profiles!
- Quality of life!
- Clickable player names in replays to go to profiles!
- Chat and leaderboard sizes synced up for consistent widths.
- Replays and games now properly center the map without overlapping chat etc!
- Surrender button (escape, usually) will now exit replays (and watch mode)!
- New query parameter support when loading replays and main menu for watch mode. for example, or to watch a player in a specific queue. Focus players in replay links with p={Name} to start with their vision, and auto-play the replay with &a=true. For example
- Large team game maps are now generatable instead of crashing (2v2v2v2, 4v4, 8v8, 4v4v4v4, 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 etc).
New Update: v30.4.3
- Made ?'s cleaner (only one ? and it fades with rating certainty rather than lots of them).
- Made ?'s go away quicker as your ranking solidifies.
- Fixed some element misalignment on the main page.
New Update: v30.4.2
- Fixed All Season not working (and renamed All Season -> Season Peak).
- Fixed play again not working after playing a custom game
- Star Decay implemented. If you are inactive more than 48 hours straight in a given ladder, your stars for that ladder will begin to decay at ~1 star per day.
- No more weekly resets FOR NOW. We may bring them back.
- Fixed new accounts showing 0 stars instead of ???
- 一些中文翻译
New Update: v30.4.0
- Official launch of new leaderboards! See notes above.
- Display (lack of) rating confidence in game (?'s).
New Update: v30.3.0
- 2v2 colors now default to color coding by team.
- New BETA leaderboards (may reset regularly until full cutover). Check the leaderboards menu!
- New 1v1: very similar to old 1v1, new algorithm.
- New FFA: Placement based. Rating moves much slower than old FFA, new algorithm. Stars will be much lower than before. Players with kills always place higher than players without kills, in the star calculations, but kill count does not matter.
- New FFA Kills: ^ algorithm, but ranked on NUMBER of kills that you get.
- New FFA 1v1 Kills: Every kill is treated as a 1v1 between the killer, and the killed. Star changes scaled back to mutate at same rate as new FFA algorithm.
- New FFA 1st: Only the winner gains stars! Everyone else ties for 2nd place each game. You must win to gain stars on this leaderboard.
- New 2v2: Everyone gets an individual 2v2 rating. Playing matchmaking now gives you permanent stars! This will be tweaked in the coming weeks to account for leavers.
New Update: v30.2.0
- New modifier: Fading Smog! Gain vision of land nobody else could normally see slowly throughout the game, and cut off your opponents vision spread with your land! FFA tournament tomorrow!
- 16 player games!? Color updates to support this. If any of the colors blend together on your monitor, you can always change these in accessibility settings from the main menu.
- 2v2 queue dialogue is now much clearer. Mentions bots.
- Bugfixes
- Fix empty deserts counting up in replays.
- Fix AFK-timed-out game replays desyncing.
- Fix Lookout control so that controlling a Lookout will no longer control other adjacent Lookouts and Observatories.
- Fix annoying autocomplete prompts showing up in places they shouldn't.
New Update: v30.1.1
- Change city fairness to take the distance of the city from the general into account.
- Fix broken spectators.
New Update: v30.1.0
- FFA maps are now uniquely oriented per player.
- In FFA and Torus replays you can see each players original map perspective by clicking the new 👁 icon. Defaults to your own perspective.
- Torus maps will now always center your general within the Torus, per player. With players centered, 3 (6) torus wrap tiles no longer feels necessary, reduced the default to 2 (4).
- Torus maps will spawn with SIGNIFICANTLY more mountains now, so that maps have much more third-party-from-any-direction shielding and contain substantial natural defensive structures to play around.
- Fixed Torus spawns with lots of players to be a bit larger.
- Fixed bug with torus map generation that could place generals too close together in specific circumstances.
- 2v2 min enemy distance changed from 16 to same as 1v1 (15). The maps were STILL feeling a little too big.
- Slightly increased the size of randomly generated >8 player maps.
New Update: v30.0.2
- Bugfixes
- Fixed game UI crash when shift-no-move-masking out of bounds.
- Fixed bug with Fading Smog replays.
- Spawn Balance Tweaks
- 2v2 min enemy distance changed from 17 to 16. The maps were just a little too big feeling.
New Update: v30.0.0
- New Game Mechanics
- A brand new modifier, Torus has been added that adds interesting new dynamics to gameplay. It has new settings added in the Options menu for configuring how it appears visually, which will only show up once it is turned on after the launch event. The modifier will be blind-launched in a 1v1 arena, followed by a ladder modifier event for those who couldn't make it.
- A new tile, the Desert Tile (Art by EklipZ) -- which does not get an army bonus every 25 turns -- has been added to the custom map editor.
- The vision system has been reworked from scratch to allow for new modifiers like Fading Smog -- which gives you expanding vision slowly throughout the game EXCEPT where enemies could see -- and Watchtower -- which gives generals and cities extra vision range --, and MORE new tiles like Lookouts (Art by Nautika!) -- mountain tiles which you can contest the land next to in order to gain a vision boost for your team -- and Observatories (Art by Nautika!) -- mountain tiles which you can look through (by owning land next to) to see faraway tiles in the distance.
- Spawn Balance Tweaks
- In 2v2 you can no longer spawn more than 10 tiles from your teammate. The 10 tiles now includes the distance routing around mountains, so you will no longer be able to spawn where you cannot reach your ally. (Teammate max spawn distance decreased from 11 to 10).
- In 2v2 and team games, enemy generals min required distance increased from 9 to 17. (1v1 min distance, + 2 to offset the increased aggression power in team games). These are not set in stone and may be adjusted as we see fit after we give 2v2 some time to settle.
- In 9+ player FFA games, or 9+ player custom games, the maps should no longer spawn unnaturally larger than normal. They should scale in size with the player count at the same rate that they scale in size from 4-8 players already.
- We will be testing more fair city spawns by default on ladder. See the Custom Game Settings section below for more information. The default fairness for ladder will be 0.5. We welcome feedback on this change as you get used to it.
- Custom Game Settings
- There is a new City Fairness slider in custom game options to adjust the fairness of city spawns. 1.0 means very fair, 0.0 means completely random.
- The sliders for tile densities (except cities and mountains) are changed to be relative to the tile pool they spawn in. 1.0 on swamps means 100% of empty land will be swamps. 1.0 on swamps + 1.0 on deserts would get scaled back to 0.5 each, resulting in a 50/50 split of all empty tiles being desert or swamp.
- Server Admin
- When chat is in restricted mode, it will be enabled after the game is over so that players can talk post-game (or just leave, if someone is spamming).
- Moderators can warn users without resetting their stars / disabling their accounts now.
- Admins can now tweak ladder mechanics live, and run ladder events.
New Update: v29.4
- Game limits
- Games are now limited to 25,000 seconds long (at whatever game speed you play). This translates to 25,000 turns at normal speed.
- Games will terminate if everyone goes AFK (no moves) for longer than 1000 seconds.
- Small bug fixes and performance upgrades
- Chat box will no longer show annoying autocomplete popups.
- Slight improvements to anti-bot quality of life.
- Rematch button preserves modifiers!
- Rematch button should stop disabling randomly when both players are still in game.
New Update: v29.0
- Add modifiers
- Modifiers are available in custom lobbies
- Some modifiers are for supporters only!
- Initial set of modifiers is Leapfrog, City-State, Misty Veal, Crystal Clear, and Silent War
- Small bug fixes and performance upgrades
New Update: v28.7.0
- Add continuous zoom and zoom settings
- New keyboard shortcuts:
- c to center map and fit it to screen
- g to select and center on general
- 1, 2, and 3 to set zoom to presets that can be configured in Accessibility tab of Options
- Small bug fixes and performance upgrades
Season 23 Championship Results!
Congratulations to MeltedToast for winning the 1v1 season-end championship again! This is MeltedToast's 3rd win in a row. We hope everyone had fun. Train hard for next season to challenge MeltedToast again!The current event champions are:New Update: v28.6.2
- Add rematch function to 1v1 queue
New Update: v28.6.1
- Simplified main menu and leaderboard
- Added badges on usernames of current event champions
- Added announcement section
- Added small adjustments to replay controls
Customs (June 2022) Results!
Congratulations to ☻☺, beef boss, bilibili-fui, -Sheou-, and mashiro! We hope it was fun. As a reminder, the next tournament is 1v1 Season Championship on July 9th.The current event champions are:New Update: v28.6.0
- AFK surrenders in 1v1 now take effect after turn 25 instead of turn 60
- Allow rewinding replays and moving by increments of 25 turns through replays